Tuesday, November 10, 2009

he n she (from someone to somone...)

He : I admired u for a long time. Long enough to know what's your favourite and hell not.

She : No. U are not! U dunno me. The real me.

He : Okay. Teach me. Teach me how to
know u. Because i think im falling in love...(whispered) with u.

She : Huh! Love? What is love?

He : Love is..is...erm...

She : Speechless??! Dont easily say the word 'love' if u dunno the meaning behind!

He : Why so angry?? Did love hurt u??

She : Yeah. Im angry! Angry with myself.. I had love a guy with all my heart but he still left me.

He : What a waste guy! Left an angel for another human!

She : ............

He : But u cant stop loving. Its a wonderful thing. Open your heart a bit baby. U deserve to be happy. U know, when we are in love so many great thing happen in our life. Yeah..I admit we are
going to argue bout silly damn things too, but believe me dear.. We gonna laugh it someday. We are gonna share everything. EVERYTHING WITH YOU !!

She : Ahah! One more..!

He : What

She : I dont like sharing. I mean, i dun like people touch/used my stuff. When sharing, everything gonna messed up! I also hate shared an ice-cream cause i'll never get enough! Huh!

He : Hahaha.. Human and stuff are different babe. You should knew it.

She : Thats was i mean. I even cant shared my stuff and whats on earth that i can shared a life with somebody???

He : Oh syg..! Grow up a bit!! U will get through it. Believe me.

She : U do? I will?

He : Yes.

She :
....(smiled without showing her teeth)..

He : U know what? I likes your smile. And meaning love to me is i love the way you are. I really do.

She : Oh yeah?

He : Hm.. You are adorable, sexy.. and....

She : YUCKKS!!! Im not!

He : You are everything to me. But you are 2nd prettier in this world!

She : Huh? Who's the champion?

He : My mum. Of course.

She : Yeah yeah..

He : One more thing. You looks so damn cute when you are blurr.

She : Huh? Is it?

He : Yeah. Cause i will looks so damn smarter than you!

She : HEY!!! Huhu..

He : Hehe.

Erm.. I LOVE YOU.. This time i know what its mean. I love you. I'll keep saying until you sick of it. I LOVE YOU !!

She : Erm.. Im not ready..

He : Its ok. I'll wait. But right now, you must ready for something!

She : Hm?

He : Eating ice-cream with me.

She : Huhu.. ok then..


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